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Focus on guiding our students to the best

Advanced English Centre
Advanced English Centre
Advanced English Centre

Advanced English Centre (AEC), which was established in Ümitköy, Ankara in 2014, prepares its students for English language exams such as IELTS, TOEFL, GMAT, GRE, SAT, which are used for both educational and professional purposes in many countries, especially England, America and Australia. In groups that do not exceed 7 people, AEC has an understanding that always feels that it is with its students with the counseling services offered before and after the exam, as well as the comfort of being able to practice one-on-one in groups exceed 7 people. It offers online education opportunities for those who live outside the city or want to participate remotely for any reason.


Similarly, we prepare our students for exams where English language scores such as YDS and COPE accepted in private and public institutions/organizations and universities in our country are determined, and we offer special programs for the preparatory jump exams of domestic universities.


The main feature of the above-mentioned foreign-sourced exams is to measure their daily English skills in general or academic use by testing students on general dominance of the language, rather than measuring the level of English grammar. For this reason, students are included in a program to get the score they need according to their specific situation after passing a unique practice exam for the exam they want to take in our center. As a result of the practice exam, a roadmap is created by providing a comprehensive consultancy service for students who are determined not to have sufficient infrastructure for the score they want. Because, especially abroad-based exams require a certain level of knowledge in English.


You can follow the success stories provided with the difference of Sera Hodja so far from the student opinions section, which we have published without even touching the comma.


We would like to thank everyone who contributed, especially our elders, who supported us at the point we have reached.




Toefl Kursunun 5,5 hafta süreceğini öğrendiğimde korkum daha da artmıştı. 5,5 haftada ne yapılabilirdi ki! İmkansızı...



Dilek B.

İngilizceme güvenmeden Toefl'a hazırlanma kararı almam ve Sera Hoca'nın mükemmel Toefl yol haritası...


Gülçin K.

Advanced English Centre
Advanced English Centre

Sera hocanın IELTS dersine itiraf edeyim ki çok ön yargılı başlamıştım, hatta aklımda başka bir hoca ismiyle araştırmaya başlamışken günleri uymadığı için mecbur kalıp Sera...


Sevgi G.

Sera Hoca her şeyden önce dünyanın en tatlı insanlarından biri. Çok keyifli geçen ders periyodundan sonra sınava ilk girişimde sadece istediğim puanı almakla kalmayıp...


Tuğba V.

Öğrenci mi? Biz mi? Sera hanım ile ilk günden itibaren çok sıcak bir ilişki kuruyorsunuz ve buna öğrenci-öğretmen ilişkisi demek haksızlık olur. Çünkü Sera Hanım gerçekten...


İlke Ü.


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